CAN THE BP'S BREED? Blood parrots will attempt to breed in an aquarium and some pairs attempt to breed very frequently (about every five weeks weeks or sooner) for mine its about every six weeks. What most people find is that a pair will court, clean a nest site and then lay eggs. (I will add pictures of the eggs as well as mating in the near future). However, the eggs don't hatch in many cases due to the fact that most Male BP'S are sterile and thus the eggs dont hatch. The parents will continue to care for the eggs for several days until the eggs turn white with fungus and then the parents should eat the eggs. As an alternative breeding method you can use a Male Jellybean these parrots are known to produce fry when mated with a female Blood Parrot but the fry are not true Blood parrots. It has been said other cichlids will mate with the BP and again not produce true Parrots. However Recently more and more people reported that their blood parrot cichlids are successfully breeding. There are those who state the male BP's sterile percentage rate is in the area of 99.8 percentage area however I doubt anyone has conclusive proof. If you are not to concerned with the mixture dilemma then there are other fish you could try to mate with your female Blood parrots other than the jellybean. I for one have a Red Devil and Green Terror both are cichlds. The only problem is if you have a male and female BP that paired up you will have to remove the male from the tank and hope your female BP chooses one of the other Cichlids. I desire to do this but have chosen to wait until I get another tank to put my male BP in since it is not his fault he is sterile and he is a wonderful fish. |